How To Invest

Pat McKeough has been making investing for beginners simple—and profitable—by helping investors make big gains for more than 25 years. His advice to beginning investors is the same as it is for all investors: buy high-quality, mostly dividend paying stocks (or ETFs that hold these stocks) and evenly spread your investments over the five main economic sectors (Resources, Manufacturing, Finance, Utilities and Consumer). Pat also believes investors should avoid stocks in the broker/media limelight and focus on those with hidden or little-noticed assets.

In addition, Pat thinks then beginner investors should cultivate two important qualities: a healthy sense of skepticism and patience.

Investors should approach all investments with a healthy sense of skepticism. This can help keep you out of fraudulent stocks that masquerade as high-quality stocks. It will also keep you out of legally operated, but poorly managed, companies that promise more than they can possibly deliver.

If you are a new investor, you should also realize that losing patience can cause you to sell your best choices right before a big rise. All too often, investors buy a promising stock just as it enters a period of price stagnation. Even the best-performing stocks run into these unpredictable phases from time to time. They move mainly sideways in a wide range for months or years before their next big rise begins. (Stock brokers often refer to these stocks as “dead money.”)

If you lack patience, you run a big risk of selling your best choices in the midst of one of these phases, prior to the next big move upward. If you lose patience and sell, you are particularly likely to do so in the low end of the trading range, when stock prices have weakened and confidence in the stock has waned.

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How To Invest Post Archives

Dividend Advisor Hotline – Friday, May 17, 2019

WESTJET AIRLINES LTD., $30.10, Toronto symbol WJA, serves over 100 destinations in North America, Central America, the Caribbean and Europe.

The stock jumped 62% this week after the company accepted a $31.00-a-share all-cash takeover offer from Onex Corp. (Toronto symbol ONEX).

Onex’s $31.00 takeover offer represents a.. Read More

10 keys to finding undervalued stock picks

10 keys to finding undervalued stock picks

Here’s how to find undervalued stock picks — and maximize your long-term profits.
One of the key principles of successful investing is to buy high-quality “value stocks”: They’re undervalued stock picks; i.e.,  they are reasonably priced, if not cheap, in relation to their sales, earnings and assets… Read More