
  • I would be careful jumping back into this former market darling. Just but a few years ago the narrative was all about expansion and renewable energy. I would wait until they actually sell off their renewables and see how they rebalance themselves as a conventional utility. I say this as a guy that got burnt on the old Atlantic Power Corp, who over extended themselves, and struggled for years until they were taken out by private equity. In Algonquin’s case the renewable assets remain a tad murky on the balance sheet due to initial subsidies which may have gone to support dividends rather than debt.6-12 months from now they may be a “safe utility” but who knows how their management may chose to try the market darling strategy again.

  • You recommend Algonquin Power as a buy. Do you foresee a turnaround for the stock? The dividend is attractive but the stock has been on a fairly steady decline for some time, with a significant downward move since May 2024. Losing significant value doesn’t seem to make the dividend worth it.

    • Thanks for your question. We updated our advice on Algonquin in the latest issue of our Dividend Advisor newsletter.

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