Topic: How To Invest

iShares MCSI Canada Index Fund $30 – American symbol EWC

ISHARES MCSI CANADA INDEX FUND $30 (American Exchange symbol EWC; buy or sell through brokers) invests in most of the stocks in the Morgan Stanley Capital International Canada Index. These stocks represent Canada’s largest and most-established public companies, accounting for about 60% of the market capitalization of all publicly traded stocks. This fund has an MER of 0.54%.

These shares are managed by Barclays Global Investors. There are now 18 different MCSI index funds.

MCSI Canada’s MER is more than triple the 0.17% MER on the S&P/TSE 60 units, also managed by Barclays. We think that defeats the main advantage of index funds. The spread between iShares MCSI Canada’s high MER and that of a low-fee fund may not appear to make a lot of difference in a single year, but there is no point in paying more than you need to.

We don’t recommend iShares MCSI Canada Index Fund.

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