Here are three key updates on your portfolio

NORTONLIFELOCK INC. $21 is a buy. The security software maker (Nasdaq symbol NLOK; Aggressive Growth Portfolio, Consumer sector; Shares outstanding: 665.6 million; Market cap: $14.0 billion; Price-to-sales ratio: 4.3; Dividend yield: 2.4%; TSINetwork Rating: Average; has two main businesses: Norton computer antivirus software for individuals; and LifeLock… Read More

Three more updates you need to know

NORDSTROM INC. $26 remains a hold. The company (New York symbol JWN; Aggressive Growth Portfolio, Consumer sector; Shares outstanding: 157.8 million; Market cap: $4.1 billion; Price-to-sales ratio: 0.3; Dividend suspended in March 2020; TSINetwork Rating: Extra Risk; owns and operates over 350 stores in the U.S. and… Read More

Deliveries up as travel volumes rise

BOEING CO. $194 remains a hold. The aircraft maker (New York symbol BA; Conservative Growth Portfolio, Manufacturing sector; Shares outstanding: 586.2 million; Market cap: $113.7 billion; Price-to-sales ratio: 1.9; Dividend suspended in June 2020; TSINetwork Rating: Extra Risk; delivered 340 commercial jet planes in 2021 compared to… Read More

Tap worldwide military spending

Global military spending reached almost $2 trillion U.S. in 2020, following seven years of uninterrupted expansion. Military spending might slow in the coming years as governments are forced to re-examine their military budgets in the wake of their massive stimulus spending to deal with COVID-19… Read More