Earn steady income from cyclical upswing

The improving outlook for cyclical commodity prices is prompting mining firms to order more equipment from Finning and Toromont. Both firms are also benefitting as governments spend more on infrastructure projects. Those higher orders will fuel their profits—and your dividends.

Commodities offer rewards as well as risks

Commodities are the raw materials that production and manufacturing rely on. Investing in them can help investors diversify their portfolios and win greater protection from inflation. However, commodities as a group can be both cyclical and volatile, and investors might rightly question the wisdom of… Read More

Two buys for a cyclical rebound

The shares of these two heavy equipment suppliers have slumped recently as investors fear a recession would hurt their earnings growth. However, both firms now get most of their revenue from servicing equipment, which cuts their reliance on new equipment sales. Their strong balance sheets… Read More