Opportunities are still out there for investors

Corrections have been a routine occurrence throughout stock market history. These periods of volatility and economic uncertainty are challenging for investors to navigate but frequently offer excellent investment opportunities for long-term gains.
However, the market disruption that started in mid-February has been an extraordinary event, both… Read More

Time to assess COVID-19’s impact

The first quarter of 2020 will go down in the history books as one of the most volatile ever recorded. After reaching an all-time high in mid-February, global equities declined precipitously only to bounce at least part way back in late March. At the same… Read More

Sustainable ETFs won’t give you an edge

BMO launched seven environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) funds on January 21, 2020; these include a balanced fund, equity funds, and bond funds. Here’s a look at two of them:
Sustainable investing offers some investors a lot of conceptual and emotional appeal. But does investing in… Read More

The U.S. path to recovery will let you profit

The United States has been the world’s leading economy for many decades.
Despite the rapid progression of the Chinese economy and challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we think U.S. companies will continue to offer ETF investors unparalleled opportunities.
VANGUARD U.S. TOTAL STOCK MARKET ETF $52.19 (Toronto symbol… Read More

ETF liquidity matters at times like this

Public trading in the $6 trillion world of global ETFs has generally worked well during the extreme turmoil seen in markets during February and March.
However, not all ETFs continued to trade as investors would have hoped. Numerous inverse or leveraged funds experienced severe price declines,… Read More

Utilities can steer you to gains in this market

Below, we continue our look at industries and sectors that tend to reward investors in bear markets. That includes utilities, communications services, and healthcare ETFs. While those funds are generally less exposed to the ups and downs of the economic cycle, they also tend to… Read More

Pass on this ETF: BMO U.S. PUT WRITE ETF

This issue of Best ETFs for Canadian Investors pinpoints high-quality funds suitable for new buying despite the COVID-19 downturn.
And while the markets will continue to face fallout from the pandemic, I believe the bulk of the damage may already be behind us.
Still, now more than ever, it’s… Read More

They’re aiming to steady your returns

Traditionally, the price of most stocks, and the ETFs that hold them, drop during bear markets such as the one we’re now in. However, certain segments generally perform better than the overall market during extended downturns, including the 2000-2002 and 2008-2009 bear markets. Below, we… Read More

Let urbanization add to your future returns

The world’s urban population has seen rapid growth, from 751 million in 1950 to 4.2 billion in 2018. Currently, 55% of people now live in cities. According to United Nations estimates, the proportion of people living in urban areas will increase to 68% by 2050;… Read More