Utilities are attractive right now

High interest rates boost bond yields—and their appeal with investors. Conversely, those high or rising rates can hurt the appeal of high-yield utilities, and their shares, since utilities are then forced to pay higher interest on their debt. However, with interest rates falling in Canada,… Read More

Fortis plans to sell more LNG

FORTIS INC. $54 is a buy. The company (Toronto symbol FTS; Conservative & Income Portfolios, Utilities sector; Shares outstanding: 493.0 million; Market cap: $26.6 billion; Price-to-sales ratio: 2.3; Dividend yield: 4.4%; TSINetwork Rating: Above Average; www.fortisinc.com) is the main supplier of electrical power in Newfoundland and PEI. It… Read More

These utilities tap into rising power demand

Demand for electrical power in Canada continues to rise due to several factors. Those include an expanding population and the shift to electric-powered cars. Moreover, the construction of new datacentres to handle power-intense artificial intelligence will also spur electricity demand.
A good way for investors to… Read More

Updating your Income-Growth Payers: Fortis

FORTIS INC. $54 is a buy. The company (Toronto symbol FTS; Income-Growth Portfolio, Utilities sector; Shares outstanding: 490.6 million; Market cap: $26.5 billion; Dividend yield: 4.4%; Dividend Sustainability Rating: Highest; www.fortisinc.com) began supplying electricity to St. John’s, Newfoundland, in 1885. It is now the main power utility in that… Read More