Enbridge sweetens its offer

ENBRIDGE INC. $43.44 (Toronto symbol ENB; Shares outstanding: 1.6 billion; Market cap: $74.5 billion; TSINetwork Rating: Above Average; Dividend yield: 6.2%; www.enbridge.com) controls four affiliates that operate pipelines and related operations: Enbridge Energy Partners, LP (New York symbol EEP), Enbridge Energy Management, LLC (New York symbol EEQ),… Read More

These yields are high and sustainable

CHEMTRADE LOGISTICS INCOME FUND $16 (Toronto symbol CHE.UN; High-Growth Payer Portfolio, Manufacturing & Industry sector; Units o/s: 110.4 million; Market cap: $1.8 billion; Divd. yield: 7.5%; Dividend Sustainability Rating: Average; www.chemtradelogistics.com) is one of the largest removal-service providers for firms that create acids and sulphur as by-products. The… Read More