Fund buys for North American growth

FIDELITY TRUE NORTH FUND $24.80 (CWA Rating: Conservative) (Fidelity Investments Canada, 483 Bay St., Suite 200, Toronto, Ont. M5G 2N7. 1-800-263-4077; Web site: Load fund — available from brokers) invests in companies that the managers see as undervalued. They base their judgments on fundamentals,… Read More

Fidelity buys for North American gains

FIDELITY CANADIAN LARGE CAP FUND $24.05 (CWA Rating: Conservative) (Fidelity Investments Canada, 483 Bay St., Suite 200, Toronto, Ont. M5G 2N7. 1-800-263-4077; Web site: Load fund — available from brokers) mainly invests in large firms, like those on the S&P/TSX 60 index, although it… Read More


AIC AMERICAN ADVANTAGE FUND $4.04 (CWA Rating: Aggressive) (AIC Group of Funds, 1375 Kerns Road, Burlington, Ont., L7R 4X8, 1-800-263-2144; Web site: Buy or sell through brokers) invests mostly in U.S. stocks. It holds 99% of its assets in the financial-services area.

The fund’s financial… Read More

Two AIC funds with a finance focus

These two AIC funds hold much of their portfolios in finance stocks. This sector has risen lately on better-than-expected profits and an improved outlook for the economy as a whole.

We prefer diversified funds. But if you must focus on a particular sector, finance still offers… Read More

I have approximately $20,000 in cash in my RRSP. I own Bank America, which I see trades at $13. I bought it at $20. Should I buy more to average down the cost?

Bank of America, $12.93, symbol BAC on New York (Shares outstanding: 7.9 billion; Market cap: $102.5 billion), recently sold $13.5 billion worth of new common shares and raised an additional $7.3 billion by selling part of its stake in China Construction Bank, China’s second-largest lender.

Together,… Read More

Three ETFs to buy — one to avoid

We still think high-quality mutual funds with a long-term focus will beat stock-market indexes over time. If funds invest as we advise — sticking with well-established companies and spreading their assets across the five main economic sectors — they will likely lose a lot less… Read More

ETFs Offer a Low-fee Way to Buy Stocks

We still think high-quality mutual funds with a long-term focus will beat indexes over long periods. If funds invest as we advise — sticking with well-established companies and spreading their assets out across the five main economic sectors — they will tend to lose a.. Read More

Scotia U.S. Growth Fund $6.49

SCOTIA U.S GROWTH FUND $6.49 (CWA Rating: Conservative) (Scotia Securities, 40 King Street West, 6th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5H 1H1. 1-800-268-9269; Website: No load — deal directly with the company.) looks at a company’s fundamentals such as earnings, dividend yield, book value, cash flow… Read More