Updating Our High-Growth Payers: Pembina Pipeline Corp.

PEMBINA PIPELINE CORP. $52 is a buy. The company (Toronto symbol PPL; High-Growth Dividend Payer Portfolio; Utilities sector; Shares outstanding: 580.5 million; Market cap: $30.2 billion; Dividend yield: 5.3%; Dividend Sustainability Rating: Above Average; www.pembina.com) operates pipelines that carry half of Alberta’s conventional oil and almost all of B.C.’s… Read More

Computer Modelling adds cloud power

COMPUTER MODELLING GROUP, $10.90, is a buy. The company (Toronto symbol CMG; TSINetwork Rating: Extra Risk) (www.cmgl.ca; Shares outstanding: 82.2 million; Market cap: $895.4 million; Dividend yield: 1.8%) is now acquiring Sharp Reflections GmbH for $37 million.
Sharp is headquartered in Germany, with operations in the U.S. It aims… Read More