Our updates for safety-conscious investors

IMPERIAL OIL, $100.29, is a #1 Buy for 2024. The company (Toronto symbol IMO; Shares o/s: 523.4 million; Market cap: $53.6 billion; TSINetwork Rating: Average; Yield: 2.4%; www.imperialoil.ca) gets about 99% of its production from oil sands operations in Alberta. Imperial also has conventional oil and natural gas operations… Read More

Ovintiv expands in Canada

OVINTIV INC., $59.96, is a buy. The energy producer (Toronto symbol OVV; Shares outstanding: 260.3 million; Market cap: $16.2 billion; TSINetwork Rating: Average; Dividend yield: 2.7%) operates four core oil and gas properties: Montney (B.C.), Permian (Texas), Anadarko (Oklahoma) and Uinta (Utah).
Ovintiv recently agreed to acquire certain assets… Read More

Earn a 2.3% yield from Devon Energy

Earn a 2.3% yield from Devon Energy

Oil and gas stocks moved up as the U.S. and other economies recovered after the pandemic. The war in Ukraine also spurred prices. Prices have softened on fears of slowing global economies, but we still recommend that most investors maintain exposure to the oil and… Read More

Q: May I have your thoughts on Baytex Energy Corp.? Many thanks for your advice over many years. My family and I have succeeded with our investments hugely, and we thank you for your wise counsel.

A: Baytex Energy Corp., $4.17, symbol BTE on Toronto (Shares outstanding: 787.3 million; Market cap: $3.3 billion; www.baytexenergy.com), explores for, develops and produces oil and gas in Western Canada and the Eagle Ford region of Texas.

The company’s output is 14% natural gas and 86% oil.

In… Read More

Here’s a look at two new ETFs for Canadians

This month we highlight a natural resources ETF actively managed by a team with a strong track record. We also consider an ETF that invests in smaller U.S.-listed companies that are considered high-quality and pay regular dividends.
Mackenzie Core Resources ETF $20.97 (Toronto symbol MORE) invests mainly in the… Read More