The Pros and Cons of Dividend Reinvestment Plans

The Pros and Cons of Dividend Reinvestment Plans

Discover how dividend reinvestment plans can be part of your portfolio—but with a couple of caveats
Some high growth dividend stocks give their shareholders the opportunity to participate in dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs). These dividend reinvestment plans let investors use their dividends to buy new shares,… Read More

Q: Pat: Could you please give me your opinion on two American closed-end funds: Liberty All-Star Equity Fund and AllianzGI Equity & Convertible Income Fund? The yields are great on each fund and you are getting their holdings at a discount. Thank you in advance.

A: Liberty All-Star Equity Fund, $5.22, symbol USA on New York (Units outstanding: 186.8 million; Market cap: $975.1 million;, is a closed-end fund that aims to combine the stock recommendations of three value-style and two growth-style investment managers.
The fund started up on October 31,… Read More

3 momentum investing strategies to avoid

3 momentum investing strategies to avoid

Momentum investing strategies may sound like a simple way to beat the stock market, but in truth, it’s just your broker who profits in the end.

Many investors are particularly attracted to momentum investing strategies. These momentum investing strategies focus on growth stocks—but with a.. Read More

DRIP investing pluses and minuses

DRIP investing helps you save on commissions and reinvest your dividends in more shares.

Dividend reinvestment plans, or DRIPs, are plans some companies offer to allow shareholders to receive additional shares in lieu of cash dividends. DRIPs bypass brokers, so shareholders save… Read More