Q: Pat, I hold Intel in a non-registered account with a capital loss showing and am thinking of transferring it to my TFSA “in kind” with no tax penalty. Is Intel a suitable stock to hold in a TFSA?

A: We’re not tax experts, so you might want to consider talking to an expert, especially if there are large funds involved.

However, transferring shares in kind into a TFSA does trigger a capital gain or loss for income tax purposes.

If the investment is in a.. Read More

Q: Pat, I hold Intel in a non-registered account with a capital loss showing and thinking of transferring it to my TFSA “in kind” with no tax penalty. Is Intel a suitable stock to hold in a TFSA?

A: We’re not tax experts, so you might want to consider talking to an expert—especially if there are large funds involved.

However, transferring shares in kind into a TFSA does trigger a capital gain or loss for income tax purposes.

If the investment is in a capital… Read More