The Hidden Drawbacks of Split-Share Corporations

The Hidden Drawbacks of Split-Share Corporations

Split-share corporations come with inherent drawbacks that can hand investors unexpected and unwelcomed costs sooner than they’d planned
Split-share corporations: they’re just one of the areas in which Pat McKeough’s Inner Circle can get our investment research. Members also get to ask investment questions of Pat… Read More

Takeover for TransAlta

TRANSALTA RENEWABLES, $13.39, is a buy. The company (Toronto symbol RNW; Shares o/s: 266.9 million; Market cap: $3.6 billion; TSI Rating: Extra Risk; Divd. yield: 7.0%; has now accepted a takeover offer from parent company TransAlta Corp. (symbol TA on Toronto).
Shareholders can opt for either $13.00 a share… Read More

Parent buys back renewables business

TRANSALTA RENEWABLES INC. $13 is a hold. The company (Toronto symbol RNW; High-Growth Dividend Payer Portfolio, Utilities sector; Shares outstanding: 266.9 million; Market cap: $3.5 billion; Dividend yield: 7.2%; Dividend Sustainability Rating: Above Average; owns 26 wind and solar farms, 11 hydroelectric facilities, eight natural gas generation… Read More

TransAlta buys back Renewables

TRANSALTA RENEWABLES INC. $13 is a hold. The company (Toronto symbol RNW; Utilities sector; Shares outstanding: 266.9 million; Market cap: $3.5 billion; Dividend yield: 7.2%; Takeover Target Rating: Highest; owns 26 wind and solar farms, 11 hydroelectric facilities, eight natural gas generation plants, two solar power facilities, a.. Read More

Buy utilities despite today’s higher rates

Rising interest rates boost bond yields and their appeal with investors. Conversely, rising rates can hurt the appeal of high-yield utilities, and their shares, since those companies must pay higher interest on their debt. Still, top utilities remain financially healthy and continue to expand and… Read More