COMPTON PETROLEUM $1.24 – Toronto symbol CMT

COMPTON PETROLEUM $1.24 (Toronto symbol CMT; SI Rating: Speculative) (403-237-9400;; Shares outstanding: 263.6 million; Market cap: $326.8 million) explores for oil and natural gas in western Canada. About 83% of its production is natural gas.

In the three months ended June 30, 2009, Compton’s cash… Read More

Gas-weighted juniors: One buy, one hold

Focusing on natural gas production is riskier than diversifying between gas and oil, because gas can stay depressed for much longer. However, gas has begun rising lately. If that trend continues, it could pay off hugely for gas-focused stocks like these two.

DELPHI ENERGY $1.68 (Toronto… Read More

Hi Pat: Any news on Acadian Mining?

Acadian Mining, $0.07, symbol ADA on Toronto (Shares outstanding: 325.0 million; Market cap: $22.7 million), holds 100% of ScoZinc Limited, which owns the Scotia zinc/lead mine, located at Gays River, Nova Scotia.

Acadian mined ore at Scotia by open pit, and processed it in a mill… Read More

Tahera Calls on Teck

TAHERA DIAMOND CORP. $0.88 (Toronto symbol TAH; SI Rating: Speculative) (1-877- 777-2004;; Shares outstanding: 209.8 million; Market cap: $184.6 million) has sold 22.5 million units at $1.00 per unit to raise $22.5 million. Each unit is made up of one Tahera share, and one-half… Read More