Cannabis Corner: Buy this cash-rich Canadian leader

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The long-term outlook for top cannabis growers is still positive. But in the near term, a still-critical issue for many producers, and their investors, is securing funds to keep money-losing operations going. Available debt financing will likely be on unfavourable terms and selling shares at today’s low prices would be dilutive to current investors. Our Cannabis Corner pick this month holds an edge in today’s tougher financing market. Cronos Group has a huge cash hoard and a well-heeled U.S. investor. That will let it continue to expand and where appropriate pick up assets from distressed sellers. It also enhances the stock’s appeal for long-term investors. CRONOS GROUP $8.88 (Toronto symbol CRON; TSINetwork Rating: Speculative) (; Shares o/s: 348.8 million; Market cap: $3.2 billion; TSI Cannabis Quality Rating [CQR]: ) grows and sells medical and recreational cannabis. In March 2019, U.S. tobacco giant Altria Group Inc. (symbol MO on New York) paid $16.25 a share, or a total of $2.4 billion, for a 45% stake in…