These Canadian insurers offer gains ahead

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Both these Canadian insurance stocks provide investors growth prospects as well as high dividend yields. We see each as a buy. MANULIFE FINANCIAL, $44.10, is a buy. This safety-conscious stock (Toronto symbol MFC; Shares o/s: 1.8 billion; Market cap: $77.1 billion; TSINetwork Rating: Above Average; Yield: 3.6%; represents one of Canada’s largest life insurers. The company also sells other forms of insurance including health, dental and travel plans; Manulife’s mutual funds and investment management services further diversify its revenue stream. On September 30, 2024, the insurer had $1.55 trillion in assets under administration. Markets outside of Canada—especially Asia (37% of earnings)—increasingly contribute to Manulife’s growth­. In the quarter ended September 30 2024, per-share earnings rose 8.7%, to $1.00 from $0.92. Manulife plans to continue its share buyback program as it keeps divesting from lower-growth assets. In February 2024, the company completed a new long-term care (LTC) reinsurance transaction with insurer Global Atlantic. In April 2024, it closed a second reinsurance transaction, this time with RGA Canada. The moves…