Global military spending at an all-time high

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Global military spending in 2023 reached $2.44 trillion U.S. That was 6.4% higher than the previous year, and the highest level ever recorded; this was also the 9th consecutive annual increase (see graph below). The world military burden—defined as military spending as a percentage of global gross domestic product—increased to 2.3% in 2023. But this is still low compared to the past. In the 1960s military spending averaged 5.5% of global GDP and 4.0% in the 1970s. Average military expenditures as a share of government expenditures rose to 6.9% in 2023, and world military spending per person was the highest since 1990, at $306. The U.S. remains the largest military spender Among the big spenders globally, the U.S. is still the largest, with a total spend of $916 billion in 2023, or 38% of the global total. China was the second-largest spender with $296 billion, followed by Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, the U.K. and Ukraine. The top 10 military spenders account for three-quarters of…