Here’s what characterizes high-quality stocks

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Investors have different descriptions for high-quality companies. For some it is the quality of management, products and customer service; for others, it is high levels of profitability or financial strength. TSI Network’s 10-point checklist of factors that define high-quality, attractive companies continues to guide our subscribers. That checklist includes a history of generating profits, paying regular dividends, manageable debt, management integrity, industry prominence, and the freedom to serve all shareholders. Another key factor is the ability to profit from secular trends. Meanwhile, several global industry participants, including Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI), and Standards & Poor, have done extensive work on what defines a quality company. While there are slight differences between their definitions, they all tend to include high profitability, stable profits, and strong balance sheets. Academic studies have established that “quality” companies tend to perform better than the overall market over long periods. The risk involved in these investments is also lower than the broad market. Quality defined MSCI is one of the main providers…