Poland gains global competitiveness

Article Excerpt

The Global Competitiveness Index, published annually by the World Economic Forum, ranks around 140 countries by several factors deemed responsible for the long-term competitiveness of nations. Studies show that more competitive countries—with that higher competitiveness running across all of their income groups—experience higher economic growth in the long term compared to less-competitive countries. The 113 factors are grouped in 12 “pillars.” The country’s score for each of those factors are then added up to determine its overall grade. Here are some of the highlights: Pillars Top Ranked Country Canada Ranking Poland Ranking Overall Switzerland 14 39 Institutions (property rights, judicial independence) Finland 15 72 Infrastructure (roads, railroads, electricity) Hong Kong 16 44 Macroeconomic environment (government debt, country credit rating) Norway 47 41 Health and primary education (infant mortality, life expectancy) Finland 8 38 Higher education (quality of education, Internet access in schools) Singapore 13 40 Goods market efficiency (intensity of competition, trade tariffs) Singapore 18 45 Labour market efficiency (labor-employer relations, female participation) Switzerland 7 78 Financial market development (soundness of banks, regulation of security exchanges) New Zealand 7 53 Technological readiness (Internet users, mobile-broadband subscriptions) Luxembourg 23 47 Market size China 16 21 Business sophistication (local supplier quantity and quality) Switzerland 23 57 Innovation (research institutions, company spending on R&D) Switzerland 23 59 R&D) Switzerland 23 59 …