Quality is key

Article Excerpt

We think this market rise could last for weeks if not months. It could even turn out to be the start of a new long-term rising phase. One positive sign is that many stocks are now cheap in relation to their dividends and assets. Many are also cheap in relation to current earnings. Others are attractive, despite recession-depressed profits, because their earnings will probably bounce back when the recession ends. Rather than buy purely on value, however, you need to focus on high-quality investments — the ones we rate as “Average”or “Above Average”in our WSSF rating system. After all, no one can predict market trends. But high-quality companies are the ones most likely to survive and ultimately rise again, if the current upturn is a false start and the falling trend resumes. Read Pat on Twitter Twitter.com lets users send short messages or “tweets”(140 characters maximum) to anyone who wants them. You can get them as text messages on a cell, read them on…