Savvy buy for TMO

Article Excerpt

THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC INC., $518.41, is a buy. The company (New York symbol TMO; TSINetwork Rating: Average) (; Shares o/s: 377.3 million; Market cap: $195.6 billion; Yield: 4.1%) is now buying Solventum’s purification and filtration business for $4.1 billion in cash. Solventum (symbol SOLV on New York) is a healthcare company that was spun off by 3M (symbol MMM on New York) on April 1, 2024. Solventum makes products to treat and prevent infection in wounds; it also manufactures dental filling materials, and filtration and purification products. Solventum’s purification and filtration business reported about $1 billion in revenue in 2023. Its technologies are used in the production of biologics and medical devices and for industrial applications. The business employs about 2,500 people globally and will become part of Thermo Fisher’s life sciences solutions segment. Thermo Fisher is a buy. buy…