This stock offers limited prospects

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You should remain wary of stocks that attract broker/media attention because of high-profile products or services, and their business models. Here’s a closer look at one stock with risks that prospective investors should take into consideration: POLLARD BANKNOTE, $22.00, (Toronto symbol PBL; TSINetwork Rating: Extra Risk) (; Shares o/s: 27.1 million; Market cap: $595.2 million; No divids.) is a Winnipeg-based specialty printer, and lottery and charitable gaming product provider. It is Canada’s largest provider of instant tickets and the second-largest producer worldwide. It is also the largest supplier of iLottery systems in the U.S. through a 50%-owned joint venture, as well as North America’s second-largest provider of charitable gaming products. Pollard’s shares took a big drop recently. That’s after the Michigan Lottery said it plans to go with another supplier for its iLottery and related services when its contract with Pollard expires. Pollard, through a joint venture agreement, currently provides the services until July 2026. All in all, the company’s growth outlook is mixed. Because it’s…