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We are now including company web sites for each investment we cover. Company web sites can give you further information on stocks we recommend, including press releases, newspaper articles, financial reports and shareholder information, plus dividend reinvestment plan details. Of course, our in-house investment experts thoroughly research each company we recommend. However, maintaining an attitude of persistent curiosity is a good investor habit that can significantly improve your results. And you can get more knowledge than most investors if you simply read widely and ask lots of questions. Beyond company web sites, a wide range of investment information is available online. For example, our web site,, boasts more than 5,000 articles on investment strategies and individual investments. As well, most local libraries have at least a six-foot shelf of investment books. Browse that shelf and borrow an investment book on each of your visits. Above all, make it fun. Don’t feel obligated to study every web site you visit, or finish every book you…