Topic: Growth Stocks

Wall Street Stock Forecaster Hotline – Friday, June 10, 2011

Article Excerpt

SYMANTEC CORP., $18.50, Nasdaq symbol SYMC, sells Internet security technology, including anti-virus email filtering software. The company plans to spend between $750 million and $1.25 billion on acquisitions in its current fiscal year, which ends March 31, 2012. That’s equal to roughly 9% of its $14.3-billion market cap. Symantec is particularly interested in companies that expand its expertise in “cloud computing.” That’s where data and software are kept on remote servers. Users access these servers over the Internet. For example, Symantec recently agreed to pay $390 million for privately held Clearwell Systems Inc. This company sells legal software that helps businesses back up, secure and easily retrieve electronic files, including emails. That helps its clients easily gather relevant documents when defending themselves against lawsuits. This technology nicely complements Symantec’s data-storage and security products. Symantec is a buy. MICROSOFT CORP., $23.70, Nasdaq symbol MSFT, will have to pay $290 million to i4i Inc., a small Toronto-based company. That’s because the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that…