Topic: How To Invest

Hi Pat: My question is: What is your opinion of the iShares Diversified Monthly Income Fund ETF? Thanks.

Article Excerpt

iShares Diversified Monthly Income Fund ETF, $11.99, symbol XTR on Toronto (Shares outstanding: 24.9 million; Market cap: $298.6 million; holds units of nine different iShares ETFs. Among these holdings are units of five bond funds that add up to 47.4% of the iShares Diversified Monthly Income Fund ETF’s assets. We don’t generally recommend bonds right now. That’s because bonds are unlikely to perform as well in the next few years as they have in the last few, mainly because interest rates will likely hold steady or rise. That means the fund would only earn interest income on its bonds; instead of capital gains, its bond holdings could produce capital losses. We don’t recommend the iShares Diversified Monthly Income Fund ETF ETF …