Topic: How To Invest

Pat’s commentary for the week of November 16, 2021

Article Excerpt

Dear Inner Circle member, Sleep apnea gets far less media attention than other health issues such as high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, depression, stroke and heart problems. But now, more and more public and private health insurers have begun to recognize, publicize and pay for sleep apnea treatment. That’s because untreated sleep apnea can expand a patient’s risk for several conditions that can lead to complications requiring much more costly treatment. People who are only vaguely familiar with sleep apnea may think of it as a disease of the elderly. But it can strike anyone, children included. Some people in their 30s have sleep apnea or have friends who suffer from it. They describe the improvement that comes from treatment as “life-changing.” This may reflect the greater improvement that is possible when a sufferer begins treatment at an earlier age. It may also reflect the fact that people in their 30s are more comfortable with technology, having grown up with cellphones and…