Topic: How To Invest

What is Pat’s commentary for the week of April 26, 2016

Article Excerpt

In the 1980s, the Vancouver Stock Exchange was a world centre for trading speculative stocks. I used to advise buying some Vancouver stocks that seemed like they had a chance of success, and recommend selling or avoiding others. I noted a recurring pattern: when I advised selling a stock, the company hardly ever responded in any way. Assuming they knew about the sell recommendation, it seemed they just wanted to avoid any unfavourable attention. The rare exceptions were companies that were particularly successful in promoting their stock, but seemed to have the least likelihood of success as a business. Rather than ignoring our sell advice, promoters of these successful-promotions/doomed business ventures would send incredibly long, detailed, indignant letters. They would insist that I explain how I came to such a ridiculous conclusion, and demand a retraction. Sometimes I would print an update or clarification about the company’s business. But I never did find reason to change any of these recommendations. So I’d…