Topic: How To Invest

What is Pat’s commentary for the week of August 14, 2018

Article Excerpt

These days, I find that more and more investors suffer from what you might call “pre-retirement financial stress syndrome.” That’s the malady that strikes when it dawns on you that you might not have enough savings to be able to earn the retirement income stream you were banking on. I’ve written about retirement strategies many times in our newsletters. I say a lot more about them in my new book, “Pat McKeough’s Successful Investor Toolkit.” The book captures the essence of all the investment strategy advice we’ve published over the years, which so many of our subscribers have used to profit. Meanwhile, here’s an excerpt from the book that outlines a few ways to counter pre-retirement financial stress syndrome. Aim in the opposite direction Some investors facing a retirement shortfall ask us if we can supply one last can’t-miss trading idea that can make up for the shortfall in their savings (brokers sometimes refer to this as a “rescue stock”). This, of course, is…