Topic: How To Invest

What is Pat’s commentary for the week of July 23, 2013?

Article Excerpt

One of today’s most dated investment terms is “tech stocks”. You’ll hear the term flung about as if it referred to well-defined groups of stocks such as the oils, the mining stocks or the banks. The difference is that changes in the price of oil have a direct impact on oil company profits and oil stock prices. Changes in mineral prices have a direct impact on mining company profits and stock prices. Changes in interest rates and in bank legislation have a direct impact on bank profits and bank stock prices. But there is no over-riding factor that influences the so-called tech stocks as a group. The term made more sense in the 1990s and before, when technology companies were in a much earlier stage of their corporate development. Back then, shares of these companies did tend to move as something of a loosely connected group. That was mainly because investors had limited information on which to base their views…