Topic: How To Invest

What is Pat’s commentary for the week of October 27, 2015

Article Excerpt

In last Friday’s Wall Street Stock Forecaster Hotline, we analyzed the great results that McDonald’s Corp., $111.55, symbol MCD on New York (Shares outstanding: 941.8 million; Market cap: $105.7 billion;, reported for the three months ended September 30. It was a standout quarter, particularly compared to the weak results that many companies have reported this year. The first media comment we saw on these results took the view that the stock had gone up enough to offset the improvement in its results. The investment reporter quoted what he called “cynical observers” who said “there was almost no way but up” for the stock. These observers pointed out that McDonald’s had trailed the market by 62 percentage points during a recent three-year period, and that the company had only registered growth in global same-store sales in one quarter out of the past seven. The statistics in the last…