Topic: How To Invest

Do you know of a product called graphene and how it relates to graphite? Is it worth investing in graphene stocks?

Article Excerpt

Graphite is one of two naturally occurring crystalline forms of carbon (the other is diamond). Graphite is a soft, greyish-black mineral with a metallic sheen. A graphite crystal is made up of loosely stacked one-atom-thick layers, much like a deck of cards. These layers can slide around, which makes graphite a good lubricant. Graphite is also an excellent conductor of heat and electricity and is relatively inert, being unaffected by most chemicals. It maintains its properties even at temperatures in excess of 3,500°C. Many investors are interested in graphite because it is used in the lithium-ion batteries that power electric cars. But it has a number of other profitable uses, as well. For example, in the steel industry, graphite is mainly used to strengthen the bricks that line furnaces. When added to steel itself, graphite increases the metal’s carbon content and makes it stronger. In the automobile industry, graphite is used in gaskets, brake linings and clutch materials. It also has a range of…