Article Excerpt

TELUS $70.62 (Toronto symbol T; Shares outstanding: 324.9 million; Market cap: $22.9 billion; TSINetwork Rating: Above Average; Dividend yield: 3.6%; www.telus.com) has finished converting its 151 million non-voting class A shares into regular common shares (which have one vote each) on a one-for-one basis. The move diluted common shareholders’ voting power, but it lets the common shares trade on the New York Stock Exchange (symbol TU). Previously, only the non-voting shares traded on New York. The change should make the common shares more liquid. Telus is a buy. CANADIAN REIT $46.67 (Toronto symbol REF.UN; Units outstanding: 68.2 million; Market cap: $3.2 billion; TSINetwork Rating: Extra Risk; Dividend yield: 3.2%; www.creit.ca) reports that in the three months ended December 31, 2012, its revenue rose 9.2%, to $98.2 million from $90.0 million a year earlier. Cash flow per unit rose 8.1%, to $0.67 from $0.62. The trust has also announced that it’s increasing its monthly distribution by 4.0%, to $0.1292 from $0.1242…