Topic: How To Invest

What is Pat’s commentary for the week of July 17, 2024

Article Excerpt

Right now there’s a lot of uninformed guesswork on the market, with a lot of little-noticed pluses and widespread but low-grade assumptions. I spent a lot of time in the past few weeks in assessing recent changes in the health of the stock market—a lot more than usual. My view is that the market is as strong or stronger now as it seemed to us starting last October. It has risen substantially since then. But it has gained substantially due to unpredictable positive surprises, particularly the attempted but failed assassination of Donald Trump. Meanwhile, the federal U.S. judiciary has ruled against more of the shabby lawfare attacks against Donald Trump. They seemed believable to many investors when they first hit the media. Not so much now. My view: Don’t let today’s market fears and challenges rattle your long-term investment confidence. The outlook for rational investments keeps getting better. Pat better. Pat…