Topic: How To Invest

What is Pat’s commentary for the week of June 14, 2022

Article Excerpt

Judging by reports in the media, today’s most-asked investment question is, “What’s going to happen with inflation?” It’s easy to understand the high level of interest. If you knew where inflation would go—up, down or sideways—it would give you an enormous advantage as an investor. Changes in inflation have a big impact on virtually all investments. However, inflation is one of the least-helpful topics you can ask about. That’s because nobody knows the answer. Nobody knows which way inflation will go, how fast it will move, nor how long it will take before it changes direction. Inflation has a lot of impact on investments because it’s related to all sorts of investment factors. Moreover, most of these connections are two-way streets. For instance, inflation rates and interest rates influence each other. If you knew which way one or the other would go, it would give you a leg up on predicting the direction of the other. It’s OK to have an opinion People still form…