Topic: How To Invest

What is Pat’s commentary for the week of September 17, 2024

Article Excerpt

From time to time, many investors seize upon a single market ‘indicator’ or rule of thumb as a worthwhile guide to their own investing. One example you may have run across is what some call the ‘what- goes-up-must-come-down’ rule. This is the common idea that high-performing stocks—those that have gone up faster than most stocks for some lengthy period—will, sooner or later, take time out for a breather. Some investors may tell you these “breathers” may bring on a 30% drop that lasts for a year, followed by a rebound that continues for several years. In fact, this is one of many possible outcomes. It’s a random factor, a little like numbers in a lottery. I got to thinking about this when looking at our first question this week. Please see below. Pat below. Pat…